1 Cry Out or 365 More Days
A new year:
A celebration for new beginnings.
We break old habits, and we establish better routines.
We move on from unhealthy relationships as we create new and refreshing ones.
We are eager with flawless expectations of the year to come.
The word expectation means: the belief that someone will or should achieve something.
Which leads me to wonder,
What happens when we are let down from our expectations?
Looking back, was our previous year really a bad year or did it just not meet our expectations?
As some of you may have seen, I recently spent 3 days at a conference called “Passion.”
This conference ended today. Which means the famous “spiritual high” is at its all time high.
Today, as we were singing the last song after 3 days straight of worshiping the Lord, I experienced what was a simple thought, turn to a teaching moment from Christ.
I simply thought, “I don’t want this to be over. I don’t want to leave this feeling.”
But as I continued to praise with the words,
“Don’t let your heart be troubled
Hold your head up high
Don’t fear no evil
Fix your eyes on this one truth
God is madly in love with you
So take courage, hold on, be strong
Remember where your help comes from”
I realized something.
I realized that I am not on this earth to stay in an environment where I am comfortable. A spiritual high is not meant to come from contentment. A spiritual high should be gained through answering and acting on theduties that Christians are set out to do.
So before we begin to look at this following year as a failure, let’s remember:
Who are we to second guess God’s love for us?
We don’t need a new year to erase our failures.
We don’t need a new year to create new dreams.
We need God.
Once we have God, we don’t need to wait 365 days to celebrate new beginnings. Once we have God, celebrations and fresh eyes will come to light every time
we call on His name.
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