The Everlasting Relationship
We all have that first thing that we do every morning.
Whether it is eat breakfast, check our phone, let the dog out, shower, make our bed, or make breakfast.
But what if we started every day with God?
God doesn't need all of our time, all He needs is us.
Do you ever have those days where you are ready to start a good habit?
You are going to start your diet, tomorrow.
Or you are going to start working out, tomorrow.
Or you are going quit your bad habit, tomorrow.
What if we started today, tomorrow, and every day with God.
But what happens when you fall out of the habit, and stray from this new habit that you have just started?
Do you quit?
Or do you hop right back on?
If you haven't yet fallen off track, at some point in your life, you probably will, and you will come to a point where you realize what you have done.
Kinda like that feeling when we realize that we have upset our friend.
We have all had the whole, "I am not mad, I am just disappointed" speech.
But eventually, we love the feeling of being forgiven
We love when our mistakes are finally forgotten.
And we love when everything is back to normal.
But what about when our friend lets US down.
What is next?
Do we forgive them like they have forgiven us?
Or do we move on and realize that our life is better without them?
The nice thing about God, is that he doesn't ever think that His life is better without us.
"No mistake is too big for God to forgive"
We have all been told this at some point.
But why is it so much easier to plead for forgiveness, than it is to hold onto a grudge.
I know that I have had my fair share of moments with God.
I have told him,
"It is just a phase.
I am just a kid, having fun.
I am just a child, how am I supposed to know better?
I can't tell if this is wrong, or if I am supposed to learn from this."
But God is kinda like that friend.
That friend that will always come back, even when we have done the worst.
The friend that we spend so much time with, that eventually, we clash.
But after we let it all out, we are ready to go back to the way that things were.
What if we accepted this kind of forgiveness with God?
God is not going to bring up your mistakes, in the future.
He is not going to "get even."
He is just going to forgive and forget.
That huge mistake that seems unforgivable...
He is going to use it
And He is going to strengthen you.
God is ready to be our person.
He is ready to take all of our mistakes
All of the our pain
All of our heartache
And make it His own.
He does not care if we have made the same mistake 100 times.
He is just like that amazing friend, child, or parent, that we know will always be there.
But he has already forgiven us.
We don't need to negotiate.
He is never going to run out of time for us.
No time is ever too late.
Our relationship with God can never be too damaged.
Do not be afraid.
Why should we be afraid of the good life?
The life of forgiveness
The life of love
The life of freedom
The life of everlasting strength
The life that never ends
Isaiah 40:30-31
Even youths grow tired and weary
And young men stumble and fall
But those who hope in the Lord
Will renew their strength
They will sour on wings like eagles
They will run and not grow weary
And they will walk and not be faint
Loved this reminder, Maggie. Thank you for your wise words.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that it meant something to you. I know that God gave me these words for a reason, even if I only reach one person.