"Enjoy the Journey"

I started this post today and wrote about 200 words and began to run out of things to say.
I began to realize that I was focusing more on Uganda than God.
So I want to take a moment to recognize God as the center of everything that we say and do.
The moments when we give credit to Him, are the moments that He reveals His true self.
How are we going to say that He doesn't show Himself when we don't allow Him the opportunity?
We want Him to reveal Himself on our terms. But this is the life that He has given us, and it is a gift. It is not about us.
The easiest time to lose sight of God is when everything seems to be going along as part of "our plan."
These are the moments that should bring Him the most glory.
How can we see His miracles when the focus is on us, not Him.?

You could compare it to starting a new job.
Once we get a hang of our part in the business, we often think that we now have it down to a science. I mean we do, right?
But as soon as our boss wants to change something, we think that they don't have the right, and we do, because this is our area of expertise, righ
But in reality, it is because of our boss, that we have the job, and they have the ability to take our position away in an instant.

God is like a boss, but one hundred times more powerful.
He is the creator of your bosses, bosses, boss.
He gives us each consequence and each reward, because He gave us the gift of life.

1 Corinthians 2:9 says, "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no human mind has conceived- are the things God has prepared for those who love Him."

Today, I want to talk about giving all of the glory to God in every situation.
One of the most often times that I lose sight of Him the most, is because of my obsession with time.
I like to be on time or early, and I hate being late to anything.
Unfortunately, when I am in a rush, I often find myself forgetting to turn to God.
I want what I want, and I tend to try to do it all on my own.

Today, I planned just enough time to make it to babysitting on time. This was my first time watching these kids, and I wanted to be there a little bit early. Unfortunately, I was trying to get there the fastest that I could, rushing across town.

Something stuck out to me on the way there and I cannot thank anyone, but God.
I passed a sign in front of a church in the country and it read, "enjoy the journey."
There are so many times that we tend to lose sight of the journey and just focus on the destination. 

While in Uganda, every day started with quiet time, which was a critical part, that impacted each day.
At home, I have never set aside time in the morning to talk to God. I may say a quick prayer, and like I did this morning, I often put aside just enough time to get ready, and rush to get out the door.
Sure, in Uganda, I would have loved to sleep an extra 30 minutes each morning, but we were encouraged to have some time to talk with God.
And wow, am I thankful!!

To be real honest with you, I was never a big bible reader.
I am not a perfect Christian, never have been, and I never will be.
But on these mornings, I began to read my Bible, which has never been a good habit of mine. It was kinda like a prop.. and it seemed like the right thing to bring on a missions trip.
But thanks to Sarah, an intern in Uganda, 1 Corinthians was suggested to me, since I was clueless on where to start.

I read:

1 Corinthians 1:25, The foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.

1 Corinthians 8:3, Whoever loves God is known by God.

1 Corinthians 10:13, God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.

1 Corinthians 10:23, I may have the right to do everything, but not everything is beneficial. I may have the right to do anything, but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.

I mean, I could go on forever, but it all made perfect sense, and I didn't want to put it down!
I was talking about the Bible to everybody, like nobody had ever read it, and I didn't want to be quiet about it.
But I am telling you this because, the Bible can be intimidating...
Similar to a lot of aspects in Christianity, it is not always easy to give God the time He needs to reach our hearts, and show us what has been in front of us all along.

The same kind of thing goes with the beauty of life that we are constantly blind to see, due to our busy nature.
God tries to reach us.
Through every beautiful sunset.
Through every kind gesture that we experience.
Through every stranger that we meet.
God is there.
He is just waiting for us to take the time to see Him.

So next time that you are in the craziness that life pulls you into, take a breath. Because the moment that you are in right now, is never going to happen again. You are never going to re-live the same moment. And you are living it for a reason. Whether it is hurting or helping you, God is working in your life.

This is just a reminder, in the craziness of life, to take time for God. Because He is tries to reveal Himself every day. But we will never see him, if our eyes aren't open.
We can't just be alive, we need to live.


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